Monday, September 3, 2007

2:47 PM 09.03.07

At 2:47 PM today I put the last hand stitch in the quilt! It is totally finished! Now it just needs to be washed! It is the first quilt that I have actually quilted by hand. I was so excited to start the hand quilting that I did not draw the lines first, I just started stitching. So do not look too closely at it! Hope your labor day was filled without labor and lots of fun & relaxation!

The finished product!


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful! How big is it? It's your fault I have that red and white fabric at home!

Adrian and Becky said...

Not very big about 38" X 38" Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Look great! Megan and I miss you guys. We hope and pray all is going well up in the beautiful northeastern part of the U.S.