Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mother's Day/Hannah's Day Gift

  Adrian bought Hannah and
I a bouncy seat for our mother's day/Hannah's
day gift.  It is the gift of hopefully rest and 
fun for Hannah.
And a gift for Momma, so
I will be able to shower and put her
down to get a few things done around 
the house, that is when I have to put her down.

She seems to like it, pretty well.  At 
least she can catch a bit of sleep in it.

Here is the side view.  It has a wood frame
and base.  The base and seating part seperate
so that is makes it easier to take with you
when you go away.  It also goes from
laying down to a seated position and has a
seat belt to hold her in.

I added a blanket so that she does not
move about too much which she is sleeping.
She is still moving her arms around quite a bit
while she is sleeping, so when that happens
she hits the side of the seat and wakes up
very easily. 

She took her first nap in it this morning
and even gave her Momma a smile when she
woke up!  So today we might work on her
being okay in the seat when she is 
awake or sleeping!  She is sleeping
in it right now so I better go and get something
done around the house quickly!!

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