Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hannah This Week in Video

It is only mid-week and I realized that we have
not taken many photos of Hannah. 
That is not totally true, I send photos
about 3-5 times a day to Adrian on his phone but
the photos are not good enough quality for the blog.
 I have been taking videos so
Adrian will not miss what is going on all day!

The first video is how Hannah eats her rice cereal.
We started feeding it to her last week and she is
starting to get the hang of it.  Except we have not
taught her manners as you will see!

The second one is her after she is done eating.
She was a little "plugged" up this week and it is normal
for the way she normally eats but she was more "plugged"
up this week, the most ever to date.  The reason
is most likely due to  her starting to eat a little bit of
solid foods.  She had just finished eating from
the first video, she was eating rice cereal
with some dark Karo syrup to help her 
"situation".  She is chatting maybe about being
grateful or being not grateful to Mrs. Van Dyke and Mar Mar
for the help to get "unplugged".  I will let
you decide how happy she was with her food!
She is grateful now!

And the last video is great!  It is her
playing with Daddy after a long day at work!
He can get her laughing so hard and it
is the sweetest thing!

She is definitely entertaining!


Trisha said...

Becky, I love the one of her laughing! Nothing beats a baby laughing! Too Sweet!!!

mahligai said...

Maybe a few drops of soya sauce in the rice cereal .. haha