Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hannah's 2nd Birthday

Trying to play catch up with the blog when
we get a chance to do so.  Two weeks to
the day after Owen was born Hannah had
her second birthday!  It was a fun and special
time to celebrate her while she was adjusting
to having her baby brother come into the family
and the some spotlight time.
 One of Hannah's favorite things to watch is
Peep and the Big Wide World.  Hannah helped
me make her birthday cake.  And the night before
her birthday Aunty Jen Jen and I decorated it
with the three main characters.  She did not
want us to cut the cake and asked where the 
characters went as they disappeared from the cake!
 She did not get messy, too messy, from eating
the cake!
 She even donned a birthday hat!
 The day of her birthday was also her
2 year old check up which meant shots...wish I
would have known that!  So she got her birthday
balloons right when we got home to make
her feel better!  It worked!  And she still has
her Hello Kitty balloon!
Her new cow!  She said that it said neigh neigh
but she was just trying to tease us, she knew the truth!
She loves to ride it and feed it!
It was a great day!!  We are truly blessed
with Hannah, her health, smiles, hugs and kisses!!!

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