Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Out with something old and in with something new!

A short while ago Adrian posted our
couch on Craig's List.  It took a couple
weeks but then all of the sudden we had some
takers on it.  This couch has been a
Steeby institution for probably 30+
years!  It has been recovered about 3 times
 and traveled from the Steeby house to
 the Seah house in Holland to the Seah
house in Vermont!  And now
 it has another happy place in Vermont.
I was actually surprise that someone
wanted to pay for it.  It was a tiny tiny
bit sad to see it go.  But not sad enough so that is out
with the old.  And hopefully soon
the replacement will be coming!

In with the something new!  Our baby is due
soon and the baby needed a place to sleep,
have their diapers changed and store some clothes in.
It has been about a month since we had bought
the crib/changing table/dresser and put it
together, I just kept forgetting to post it.
It was a big decision on which one to get.
We have the one that almost all of our nieces
and nephews slept it but still needed to get
the changing table and the dresser.  So for
a few dollars more we got it all in one and that
saved us a lot of room!
The two enormous boxes it came in JUST
fit into our car and when we returned realized
they were jammed in and we could not get them out!
So we took the crib up piece by piece and put it together.
Here it is finally assembled and ready to go!
It looks better now that we have the sheets and
quilt on it but I am sure there will be
more pictures later with the baby
in it as well!

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