Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hannah Alice the first week of life and a bit more.....

Today makes Hannah 12 days old!  Where
has the time gone!  She is changing
before our eyes everyday!  So here are
a few pictures that highlight her life so far.  First here
are here stats:
Date of Birth: April 6, 2010
Time of birth: 10:17 PM
Birth weight: 7 lbs. and 11 oz.
Length: 21"


Contractions started at 6:15 AM.  Some people
wanted a picture before Hannah was born to
see the belly and this probably the only one
that I will show.  This where I pretty much
sat while we were waiting to go the hospital.


Entrance to the Labor and Delivery Area

First family photo, right after Hannah's birth!

And a solo shot of Hannah!

Hannah and Daddy!

Dr. E holding Hannah!

And Hannah laying in her bassinet in our room!

Adrian and Hannah ready to go home!

Hannah holding Gumpa's hand, so tiny and cute!

We soon learned that the finger works as a great

MarMar and Lola admiring Hannah

Close up shot!

Gumpa with Hannah

Lola and Lolo with Hannah

Hannah loves spending time with daddy!

The big smile she gives!

Once in awhile mom gets sometime with
Hannah when she is not feeding Hannah!

Aunt Karon and Uncle Dave coming over
for the first time.

Hannah out for her first walk in 
her stroller.  We took her downtown

Then we took her to where I used
to work to meet the ladies!  Debbie,
former boss on left, Jamie center 
and Catherine on the right.

The next day we went for her first walk in the baby
bjorn.  She seemed to like it best
when she was sleeping.

Hannah and Momma on the walk.

Family photo!

Compare this hand shot to the one above,
they are getting bigger!

We took Hannah out for dinner for the first time
last night.  She did pretty good, but she wanted
to eat when I got served my food.  Oh well
I think that is just what will happen for
a while and I am okay with it!
Her head was holding down the opening
to her car seat cover, it was so cute!

So here are the few pictures from her
first 12 days!  We hope to be able to post
more pictures more often!  She is such
a blessing to us!

1 comment:

Sheldon express..This is our life said...

I love them all!!! I love her little fingers and especially the one holding your dad's hand! She is perfect, I hope all is still going well!!!