Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sushi anyone?

Hannah received a super
cute outfit from her Aunt Trisha.
And yesterday seemed like the best
day to try it out, lucky for her
she has the same outfit in a couple
different sizes!

If sushi were this cute I think everyone
would be eating it!
Lolo and Lola bought sun glasses
for Miss Hannah!  Now she is stylin' 
and even made a pose for the camera.
Okay she was not posing she is actually
sleeping and had no idea what was going on!


Trisha R said...

I love it! AND THE SUNGLASSES!!!! Where did they get those?!?!?

Adrian and Becky said...

The glasses are a bit too big, they would fit Leah! Here is the website that is on the box, so I assume they came from there!