Saturday, July 10, 2010

3 months old and its catch up time!

A lot has gone on since the last post!
Adrian's parents have gone back to Penang.
They had been here for more then half of Hannah's
life!  And they were able to witness first
hand the many changes she has gone through
so far! 

Adrian is back to his "normal" hours of work
again.  It was a super great year with Adrian
not having to work the hours.  On the other
hand Adrian is officially more than half way
done with his residency, well half way plus a week. 
We were blessed to have Hannah while he
was in his research year!
Hannah likes to stand up when she is
sitting with Adrian.  And it was a good
shot to see how long she is getting!
we measured her this past week and she is 
about 26.5 inches long at age 13 weeks!
Hannah enjoys listening to music.  She is 
listening to music with her daddy through
his new phone.  She likes to watch the phone!
Hannah and Lola
The night before Lola and Lolo left.
The first time that Hannah slept
in her crib, it was a nap but a start! 
Next step will be to move from the cradle
at night to the crib, I am just not ready for that yet!
During the July 4th weekend we ate
lunch at Dave and Karon's house.  Hannah
fell asleep on Aunt Karon's shoulder, I think
it was one of the few times that she has done that.
She just looks so uncomfortable as her body
is in a c shape but she conked out so fast.  
Karon could not stop laughing because
she was making such a sound while she slept.
Come to see she was sucking on her hand, and pushing
her upper lip into her nose, so she started snoring!  It was
just so cute!
Relaxing on Uncle Dave's lap.  She put her
knuckle into her pacifier and popped it out
of her mouth.  She just laid there and looked
at it as though she did not know what just happened.
Ah ha ha ha, it is the "mini me pose"!  
Although at this angle she does not look 
so mini!
The first time that she took the rattle
from me and held onto it for quite a long time,
at least 10 minutes.  Later on after this picture she
also put it in her mouth!  The next night she held onto 
it for around 30 minutes and again putting it into
her mouth a few times.  She is learning something new
everyday, it is so great!

Hannah of many talents!  Here she is 
showing off some noises that she can make.
Adrian taught her how to do this, it is the first
thing that Hannah has done to imitate us.  It happened
a couple weeks ago now but I have now just been
able to upload videos!  So hopefully more to come!

Hopefully I will get more pictures soon,
I have been taking pictures and videos with
my phone, I will try to grab for the camera instead!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! LOVE THE VIDEO!!! She is just the sweetest thing!