Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Trying to get better at posting
pictures and things sooner and more
often, it all depends on Hannah and her
ever changing schedule!  We had a great weekend
together!  Adrian had Saturday and most of 
Sunday off from work, what a blessing!
We "celebrated" my birthday a bit early
on Sunday.  It is so great having Adrian
Hannah and Adrian took a little
snooze together while I got some house
work done.
Hannah taking a much needed nap
after playing so hard on the ground with
her toys!
Just could not resist taking this
picture!  She sometimes "cuddles" nicely
while we are sitting down and with her Mr. Grey!
Hannah was hording her toys,
it was a form of entertaining her and getting
her to stay in her swing for a little bit.
Hannah's first ride on daddy's shoulders!
She liked it for a few minutes, Adrian needed 
her bib for protection of Hannah's drool!

Hannah playing and getting all her toys
moving at once and making some noise!

1 comment:

Emily W said...

We need to take that walk soon. What a button. She is sooo cute!