Thursday, August 5, 2010

Many Faces of Hannah

Lately I have been taking many videos of
Hannah and it is hard to decide which ones
to post on the blog.  Then I realized that there
is a function on the camera to take multiple photos
with continually holding the button down.  And
thought it was about time to use it since a lot of
the time I miss Hannah's smiles due to the laps
in time of hitting the button and her smiling.  So here
is an array of photos I took with this function.  I just
took out the ones that did not turn out at all.

This one is out of sequence, she has a
cute smile often after she is done eating
and is getting ready to be burped.

We bought Hannah an exersaucer last month
and she was not able to sit in it.  So last night
we tried to put her in it again and she still
cannot sit up totally but she liked it for
a little bit.  She finally got frustrated
when the hand she wanted to play with was
also the hand she was trying to hold herself
up with.

Hannah smiling and laughing.

Hannah playing in her exersaucer


Kelly K. said...

Julia LOVES watching videos of baby Hannah! She hears her baby speak and must know what she's saying cuz she comes right over to the computer and just smiles and smiles and talks back to her. It is so cute. Hope they can meet in person some day soon...I think they'd like each other. :)

Adrian and Becky said...

Thanks Kelly! I cannot wait for them to meet as well! They almost look like they could be related! I think that they will like each other too! Maybe in a couple months they will meet!