Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hannah and a Movie

We have said it so many times but it is
amazing to see all the changes that Hannah does on a 
daily basis!  Take today for instance,
Karon and I were shopping and Hannah had slipped
her thumb in her mouth and started going to town
on it.  She has never done that before, no
matter how we have tried to get her to do it.
But in true Hannah form she has not done it again,
probably because she knows I have a camera
 ready to strike the second she does it!

Some of the pictures below will show you what she 
is doing.  She has many more facial
expressions now as well, I swear she has rolled her
eyes at us a few times.  My sister told me it starts
early I just thought it was a bit too early!  She can
also sit up all by herself now!  She went from 5 minutes
by herself to a couple hours!  And that all happened in
one weeks time!  

She is on the verge of rolling from
her back to her tummy, but when she is about to do it
I get really excited and she rolls back to see what all the 
fuss is about.

An example of her sitting on her own.  I believe
this is the first time for an extended period.  The pillow behind
her is there in case she falls backward.  She still falls back when she
sees something behind that she wants and she goes for it.
This picture is for Auntie Mel, to see she is reading
her ladybug and turtle books!
She does a great job in her highchair!
The next few are some pictures of her
 many faces!  It is funny how some
make her face look really round and others....
well round but not as round...
She was chatting in this one, she still does not
chat for just anyone, sometimes she can be really shy!
a little grin

Daddy was playing by putting her
fish on her head, she did not realize it was there right away!
She also likes to eat the turtle's head from her
stuffed turtle book.  Here she is caught in action!
Showing off the sweater that Momma made her!  
Her winter hat is about done as well!
Hannah playing and sitting!  Such talent!
And she was happy to be doing it!
You looking at me?  Of course you are!
I loved playing with color on the camera!
So sweet!
If she does not have a pacifier
in her mouth you will usually find her
fingers right there!

And another Hannah video.  Her sitting while she plays!  Enjoy!


Melinda Sheldon said...

I love all the new pics ;D Especially the ones of her with her Turtle and Lady Bug books ;D I can not wait to hold her and play with her!!

Adrian and Becky said...

I cannot wait to introduce her to family and friends too! But I cannot promise how long she will let people hold her. She is pretty used to Adrian and I!