Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hannah has somthing to say

It has been a little bit since the last update.
Hannah is getting bigger by the day and her
sleep habits are changing quicker than I can figure
out how to help her or understand them!  It 
seems that she is teething and based on the evidence
of this she may have started close to a month ago
already!  There are no teeth coming through as of yet,
but she has all the signs to show something is happening.
This has been the the culprit of her sleeping habits
going out the door!  Every night for the past few
nights she is waking up and not wanting to go
to sleep in her bed and she is usually up for a 
minimum of 1 hour right in the middle of the night.
 But this is just part of growing up, and growing up
a bit to fast!

She is also starting to sit up pretty well.  She can sit for
a minute or 2, maybe more at times with out
support.  She does this as long as there are
toys right in front of her at her reach.  That
is pretty exciting, I can not wait to be able to 
sit face to face with her to play while she it sitting up!

She also is making sounds that sound like she is
saying her name and Da Da, unfortunately not Ma Ma yet.
I know that it just sounds like she is saying it,
it is probably just what I am making her sounds,
to sound like.  But she likes to chat with Adrian and
I, she does not chat to too many people.
She still loves to play in her exersaucer, here is evidence!
Then there is the look of "oh my what was that sound?"
Busy playing with mouse feet
more grins
She is really good at taking her pacifier in and out
of her mouth, sometimes she prefers the back of it 
instead of the front.  And we also have to watch her
closely because she is close to getting the entire thing 
into her mouth!
Hannah has two high chairs and she is test
driving out one and likes is pretty well!
Since she does well in it we decided
why not try it out for what it was meant for!
Yummy peas and pears!

And lastly here is some of her babbling!

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