Thursday, January 6, 2011

9 months!!!

Today Hannah turned 9 months old!
Man the time is flying by so quickly!
She had her 9 month check up today which
thankfully did not require any shots!  She did
great, well that is what the doc wrote!  She is
29.25 inches tall which places her in the 90th
percentile and she weighed 19 lbs. and 14 oz.
putting her in the 50-75th percentile.  She remained
in the same percentile for height but slipped a bit
in the weight.

She is getting closer everyday to crawling, walking
and pulling herself up.  She always look for hands
and when she finds them that means she wants to stand
and pronto!  She is even letting go of our hands while
standing, especially if she has a toy in hand or is reaching
for something.  She is starting to drink from a sippy cup, although
this might is a while.  She knows how to do it but not to stop
when she gets a mouth full and proceeds to let it spill out
of her mouth.  She definitely knows who Momma and Dada
are.  She prefers us to most people.  But is starting to be okay
with going to my friend Verena and will quite often
go to Karon with no issues and is starting to go to Zaz as well!

And Friday she is starting swimming lessons at a local
place here.  She will be taking them for 6 weeks with
a friend from playgroup!  I am excited to see what will happen
with her, since she likes to be in the tub so well!

Here are some pictures from last month an a couple fresh
ones as well!
Aunty Karon and Uncle Dave came over before
they left for their Christmas travels to give
Hannah a present.  And to give us a present
"from" Hannah.  This is Hannah giving Adrian 
our present.
Karon took Hannah aside one day and made a
hand print ornament for us.
Then on to the important gift, Hannah's
of course, right Aunty Karon?  She loves the
paper especially in small pieces.
Here she is with her new toy!
She is too young to walk behind it but
loves to sit in front of it playing with all the options!
Here are the presents from Momma and Dada
We gave her a Little People tea toy set and a Kai Lan doll
She loves to chew on the tea set!
Opening her gift from Cory's family
Playing with the piano
Momma opening her gift, books!
 Hannah almost fit into the medium sized
flat rate box from USPS but it broke.  So I guess
no one will have her appear on their door step!
Hannah posing in her new PJ's from Aunty Amy and Uncle Kyle
Look at me!  I am 9 months old!!!

These videos are her talents that she learned this past month!

This talent she is showing off with the teacher!

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