Friday, February 4, 2011


Changes are coming!
Okay I need to do some work on the blog!
I have run out of space to put up anymore
pictures.  So I am going to do some cleaning
up and rearranging of the site.  Sorry if there are no
new pictures for a bit!  We have a lot things going
on so I will get it up as soon as I can!

Hannah is doing great!  Yesterday she stumbled/took
her first step almost two steps to me.  She is not exactly
crawling.  She can scoot around while sitting.  She also 
gets around while she is laying down by pushing
herself around, it is her version of crawling.
It is like the doctor said all babies have their version
of crawling and I guess this is Hannah's! 
Today her next tooth popped thru her gums! 
It is the bottom left tooth.  Her top two are ready 
to come in but they have not popped thru the gums yet,
but I feel they are there!  

Hannah is also understanding things that we tell her
more and more each day.  He is getting the word no,
she understands "look at .....", look in the mirror,
and she has known where is momma or where is dada
for a while now.  There are other things that she is understanding
and it is great to see!  She can wave and say ba bye.  She can
give us a high 5!  And yesterday Adrian asked her to play
music for us and she found her toy that plays music
and pushed the button for us to listen!  So exciting to see her
at this age and see what she is learning!

I will get some pictures up from our latest trip to visit
Aunt Suanna and Uncle Nate and others when
I get the site figured out!

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