Friday, January 20, 2012

Swimming Session 3!

Hannah is now in her 3rd session of
swimming lessons, 2nd for the year.  She loves
to tell you that she "fwims" and will gladly tell you
that she kicks and splashes.  She also likes to sing
the songs we do in class and loves to tell you she wears 
a "backpack" in class.  Adrian had the chance to come
to class with us while on vacation so he took some pictures
for us!
 There about 12 sets of parents and toddlers in her class
The teacher is to my left (w/o kid)
 We sing Humpty Dumpty and the "jump"
into the pool, safely!
 Hannah and her "backpack"!
 Hannah's friend Piper trying to reach out for
a hug to Hannah.
The end of class, with just Momma!


mahligai said...

Lolo so proud ! very soon you can teach lola to swim too..

Adrian and Becky said...

Hannah has a long ways before she can teach Lola anything! She does not like her head to go in the water yet. She is still overcoming a lot of things in the water! She just started to put one ear in at a time. And she does not like to go under water or be on her back will be awhile Lolo